International Papers

[SCI(E)] Variable Speed Limit to Improve Safety near Traffic Congestion on Urban Freeways
조회 : 3,231
2012.08.01 17:46
Recently, the convergence of information technology with biotechnology, nano-technology, or other technologies has been creating a new paradigm. In the field of transportation, intelligent transport systems (ITSs)-a convergence of information technologies
and transportation systems-have been studied. The VSL is one ITS technologies that aims to improve the safety and efficiency of transportation while controlling the speed limit according to traffic circumstances. Existing studies for VSL algorithms have considered only one station to control the traffic. However, it is not appropriate for an urban freeway to be installed with many stations. In this paper, a new VSL algorithm is proposed to enhance the effectiveness of VSL for multiple stations. It is based on the cooperation of stations and the real-time road information. The proposed algorithm consists of 4 steps:first is a “searching bottleneck station,” second is a “calculating a size of congestion,” third is a “calculating the number of controlled stations,” fourth is a “calculating VSL.” In our experiments, the microscopic traffic simulator VISSIM performed our modeling works. The results show that the proposed algorithm improves safety on roads with minimum additional travel time.

태그 : SCIE
이용약관  |  개인정보취급방침  |  이메일주소 수집거부  |  온라인문의
Kangwon Univ. Dept. of Computer Information and Communications Engineering Software and System Lab.