International Papers

[Conference] The Smart Shoes Providing the Gait Information on IoT
조회 : 1,436
2017.01.04 16:28
Abstract-- This paper proposes the smart shoes system classifying a normal, out-toeing, and in-toeing gait to provide the gait information to
 customer. It measures and analyzes the gait posture using the distribution of pressure sensors on the insole. It sends the gait information to the smartphone application using a BLE communication. The experiment was performed to test the accuracy of proposed system. Finally, this paper showed that proposed system can measure the accurate gait posture.

이용약관  |  개인정보취급방침  |  이메일주소 수집거부  |  온라인문의
Kangwon Univ. Dept. of Computer Information and Communications Engineering Software and System Lab.